
Prince's Gambit Casual Vampire Card Game

Created by Richard Thomas

Maneuver for position in the court of the vampire Prince in this fast-paced, casual card game in the world of Vampire: the Masquerade.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

June Prince's Gambit Update!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 29, 2018 at 10:54:03 PM

Hello Prince's Gambit Backers!

RichT here:

All of the Prince's Gambit rewards have shipped! At this point, if we aren't already helping you with a problem, if you have any issues with your rewards, or simply haven't received it yet, please let me know via the Contact link in my bio you get to after clicking on my name on the Kickstarter page.

In a little over a month, we'll be at Gen Con right next to White Wolf, and if all the omens are accurate, they'll have Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition for sale! Expect that we will have a cool joint VtM announcement at the con that we'll also be sharing in the rest of our social media. So if you are at Gen Con, we'd love to say hi! Stop by our booth and see what we're up to - Eddy Webb and others will be demoing Prince's Gambit at both the booth and our demo area!

Meanwhile, At Our Current Kickstarter:

On Monday, July 2nd, 12 noon Eastern US time, we start the Kickstarter for Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition for Chronicles of Darkness! If the very brief bit of info below sounds interesting, we'll have a lot more when the KS goes live - love to see you there!

In Geist: The Sin-Eaters, you play a person who died with a powerful burden on their soul — something they didn't accomplish in life, or something they never found. On the other side of the veil, they made a bargain with a powerful being called a geist, which returned them to the world of the living and to their own body, at the cost of a permanent bond between them and the geist. Now your character stands as a medium, with one foot in the world of the living and one in the world of the dead.

A Little Helper File for the Box If You Need It.
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Jun 01, 2018 at 05:50:26 PM

Hello Prince's Gambit Backers!

RichT here:

After yesterday's Update, backer Rob Nair suggested the idea that folks who want to, like himself, could print out a corrected box cover and paste it together if we would provide a PDF to print out.

That seemed like a pretty good idea, so I just sent out the notice for the links to the PDF of the corrected cover to anyone who pledged for a deck. Those links should be in your Digital Downloads section of your BackerKit page if they don't come right to you.


Shipping Has Started & May Update
almost 6 years ago – Thu, May 31, 2018 at 09:32:11 PM

Hello Prince's Gambit Backers!

RichT here:

The shipping has started for your card decks and wooden card boxes! My understanding in talking with our fulfillment shipper is that they'll be going out in waves, so don't panic if you don't have your set today. :)

Thanks to all of you who were patient as we watched the slow progress of the decks from China and across the US after customs finally cleared them. We have some thinking to do about continuing to go overseas for our manufacturing, including one issue that some of you might notice after you get your decks.

No, it's not anything that affects the gameplay or cards themselves, so no worries there. It's a misspelling on the box at the bottom where somehow an extra Q was added to Masquerade. We're very sorry that we missed it - all of us.

Apparently, spelling that word has proved difficult over the years, as per this shot of the original Clanbook: Brujah cover where we forgot a "u":

Despite having over a dozen people review the files during the process, we missed it. We're going to be reviewing and changing our process just like we did way back 25-ish years ago with the Brujah cover gaff, and taking another look at how proofs go through from printer to us, as we have no intention of letting something like this happen again.

Besides that glitch, everything else, the decks, the wooden boxes, the signed decks, are all fine and with the shipper and rolling out to you all.


A Note About Our Current Kickstarter Project - Also Cards But Very Different!

Right now, our Kickstarter for Fetch Quest, a family friendly deck-building card game set in the Realms of Pugmire, is running on all four legs. We funded in less than a day and are now approaching our second Stretch Goal to add cats from the Monarchies of Mau to the starting characters available to take on the Fetch Quest.

If any of that sounds interesting, please come check out Fetch Quest here:

Any backer can download a print-n-play version so that you can get started right away retrieving those treasures that Man has left behind!

Shipping Addresses are Locked!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, May 23, 2018 at 11:32:30 PM

Hello Prince's Gambit Backers!

RichT here:

Just a short note to let you know that shipping addresses are now locked and can not be changed by you before shipping. Which we hope to start very soon.

Also, if you are getting notices that you need to check your credit cards, please do and be sure that BackerKit can charge you. This is particularly important because this is the Kickstarter where we tried the pledging method of adding all shipping costs, including US ones, in BackerKit. If we don't get that shipping cost paid, we can't ship you your reward.


48 Hour Shipping Address Warning!
almost 6 years ago – Mon, May 21, 2018 at 09:11:17 PM

Hello Prince's Gambit backers-

RichT here:

This is your warning that we'll be locking down your shipping address on Wednesday, May 23, 2018. Please double check both your shipping address and your pledge and whether it indicates you are getting the rewards you expect.

If you need to change your shipping address, you can do it by going to your BackerKit page for Prince's Gambit and changing it there - but only until Wednesday. After that, there is still a chance that we can make changes, but it is not guaranteed.

We do not want unhappy backers whose packages go to places they are not at, so please check on this today!
